well, that would be the argument as to why you should be having fun right? :)
the key is balance. so work hard(er) AND play hard.
you probably shouldn't listen to advice from dinosaurs because you might just end up extinct yourself...but seriously, regret is a very sad feeling. you don't want to ask yourself "what if" questions because they won't change a thing. you'll still be stuck with the unsatisfactory grade - there's no point beating yourself up over it.
so it's better to work hard, give your best shot now. then you'll have the peace of mind to play as much as you want after common test, promotional examinations....prelims, A LEVELS.
hope it does make sense.
i have like a thousand things on my to-do list and i'm blogging here. that makes me a pot calling kettles black.
priorities are important! and they change over time. for example, if right now my priority is 36/07, in 2 years' time it might be to find mr. right :)
so what is your priority now? it's time to rearrange your list.
miss h's priority list:
1. complete all marking
2. complete editing detailed lecture notes
3. prepare for the makeup lecture
4. call your parents
5. clear my table
6. GSS :) i've got no more clothes!
btw, i am very happy today because i got to eat yummy cake! thank you zowie once again for being the livewire who brings cheer to the class. there is nobody else more suited for the role of Welfare Class Leader.
and oh, thank you all for coming for the extra geog lesson. it's always fun to spend time with 36.
miss h
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