hello my dear 36-ers,
it didn't turn out to be such a bad friday after all. for me at least. let me count my blessings..
1. my h1 tutorial class dutifully apologised for coming late for geog tutorial albeit after i asked them to. a handful said bye to me as they shuffled out of class (they'd alr said goodbye as a class). 2 asked me to go watch them perform at the choir concert :)
2. i finished marking all your PI drafts, including the super late submission from.. *ahem* shall not publicly embarrass her because i'm sure she didn't do it on purpose
3. i really shouldn't be proud of this but oh well, i completed a 30min c----s lesson in 5 minutes.
4. you guys seem very enthu about the homeroom decor competition! really hope we transform the drab room into some place lovely - a physical manifestation of how united and "onz" your class is (i'm still surprised)
5. your votes for the class leaders correspond very closely to my choice of candidates! looks like everyone took it seriously and we (sort of) unanimously agreed on the same few people with the charisma, sense of responsibility and selflessness to lead the class for the next 2 years.
6. i got to meet some of your parents. they were extremely nice people. but of course. how else could you have turned out to be so nice right?
7. i e-filed my income tax! the deadline's sunday. yes i may nag at you all but i am just as last minute.
okies. wow. 7 for a list seems quite a whopper. just want to make a lil suggestion (not nagging ok) to take some time out at the end of the week to really count your blessings. focusing on the happier things that go well really makes life a whole lot easier.
having watched the Mercy Relief video presentation today, all you need to do is think about how lucky and blessed you are. that's already one!
so go make your mental list everyone. there has got to be at least ONE item on your list ie. your little red dot of a country was not affected by the Boxing Day tsunami or how about you made it through fri the 13th without major mishap?
that's all from me now...thanks for reading all the way here :) you guys "rock my socks".
miss h
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