Sunday, April 22, 2007

still blogging despite LOADS of undone homework!

I think I'm suffering from Haunted house withdrawal symptoms.teehee((:

Anyway here's affirming you people for doing such a GREAT and WONDERFUL and _____(insert superlative here) job on Saturday’s Family day carnival thingy thing. I must admit I had my doubts (shoot me please) about the haunted house, especially with all the pre Saturday N******n hiccups but in the end we (yes, including N******n) came out victorious! I’d never forget all the singing we did while taping smelly trash bags together, the mini hysteria we faced when we realised Ms Leong and co were outside our beloved haunted house, the baby powered faces and weird stares… Ahhh…One day I’ll look back and tell my grandchildren this memorable story. ((:

Anyway as a geog student I proudly proclaim:

36/07 is BOULDER than ROCKS and STONES!


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