Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the long and short of it

hello my dears,

looks like i've almost completely succeeded in turning you all away from this blog...

or you're just too busy with school to squeak :)

i just want to say, you guys did great today! really. i must apologise for not giving you all advance warning...but didn't want anyone to have a sleepless night worrying!

Our guests today were actually assessing me, i'm sure you all realised that. so no worries! i have not received feedback yet but if all goes well, i should still be around to pester you via naggy emails and long postings.

and before i go, i enjoyed yesterday's choir concert! zongyi did an awesome job on the piano! wow..i would have been a bundle of nerves cos it was a solo performance. shermaine looked so cute with her jap brolly :) luckily i have a long neck so i can still spot her hiding at the back.

i have such a talented and sweet class. what more can i ask for? more time with you guys i suppose. awwww (haha don't puke now..).


miss h

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