Saturday, April 14, 2007


hey i'm sorry ms huang.

our group can't access ivle!

quan tried and couldn't.

i tried and i can't open the webpage.

can we hand it to you on monday morning instead?

so sorry.

list of blessings on friday:

1. i realised that friends can be everything for me. friends are always here for me when i need them! (:

2. it's fun making new friends.

3. it's no fun being angry at one person for so long. so forgive and forget.

4. i enjoyed myself during the parent teacher meeting. i'm so happy just serving coffee and tea! so much so that i want to open a cafe/pub in the future.

5. love doesn't have to be everything. hahah.random.

6. i had fun icing cookies for my sister for her artshow!(: it's cute.

yupp. so i enjoyed myself on friday the THIRTEEEEEEEN (special meaning!)
spread the love around.

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