i think the resilience workshop got all our saturday energy bottled up.
which explains why all that nonsense happened at kfc during lunch.

quan and yu ci lang~
(yu ci lang looks like he's pouting)

ahhh.. now he's angry.
maybe cause we forgot to put him up on the class noticeboard.
quan, go build a doghouse for him.
chaos at kfc. believe me,
you won't want me to type down the contents of what happened.
it'll be rated nc16 or something.
and it wasnt an anger management session. it was a laughter management session.
unfortunately i was the only one who could control my laughter after,
an hour of unstoppable laughing?

here we catch haemal,
eating a slice of lemon from his ice lemon tea...
(i'm sorry haemal.
it's really tempting to upload this photo.
i just HAD to.)
and he's saying
"thank you thank you..."
or smth like that.

were you?

pai kia photo.
failed, obviously.
(we were competing to see who's more guy...)
judge: quan
i-have-no-comments: haemal

a happy family photo. =)
(2 crazy girls beside me are fighting to see who should well, erm.don't ask me, ask them)
can't you see the pained look on my face? ><
the love rivals go market for some grocery shopping.
ah soh and ah ma of the class.
(quan's trying to push nat into the giant flowerpot.
see? infront? big flowerpot?)
there's a video of quan trying to push nat but obviously,
dunno whether should upload not.
and the other one whereby she tried to drag nat thru the glass doors of the mrt lift.
(note: quan, you can't walk thru doors like that.)
conclusion: we may all look like a bunch of cute, innocent naive peeps and midgets but deep down inside we have ... ... ... ... ...
(insert whatever you think)
man, i still laugh whenever i think of the phrases:
do you want the long and thin one or the short and fat one. (referring to the cheezy pizza thingy)
the different types of sausages. (=______=)