Wednesday, December 31, 2008
this blog's so dead it wouldn't move even if i kicked it.
anyway, JALENE!!!!
just wanted to share this scale me and my cousin came up with over a supper of tauhuay and youtiaos.
it's a woman's beauty standard scale, according to our research.
it's quite funny.
1 is the saddest.
10's the happiest.
1-3 would be fat and flat women.
i mean like ouchhh.
(eg your tummy's bigger than your boobs.)
3-4 would be thin and concave ladies.
it's quite sad to be unable to carry up a dress so i've been told.
like flat, airport runway flat.
like your boyfriend/brother has bigger moobs than yours?
4-6 would be fat and booby women.
i mean being fat's quite sad but at least there's the boobs so yay!
clevage is one thing several girls might kill to get so i've been told.
6-8 would be thin and slightly booby girls.
like cup aa or a.
it's better than being fat and booby.
(so i've been told.)
and 8-10 are just those women you wanna murder/"copy and paste on yourself" their bodies all the time.
like stick thin girls with cup c.
you could tell we were very very bored.
so where do you fit in?
p.s. this is a superficial scale that doesn't take into consideration your INNER beauty.
so please dont trust this scale and go murder yourself if you're a 1.
cheerios and happy new year (:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
i am egg-cited.
tomorrow tomorrow we are going to have a class party.
and there will be lovely desserts too!
okay that isn't the point.
anyway, i have been stuck at home sewing and sewing and sewing christmas presents.
and painting and painting and painting.
will post up the end results soon (:
need to do a photoshoot for them.
and if you're very nice, you may get one of these (:
(i'm sorry if you didn't get one cause i might go blind making so many ones love.)
i'm just excited about the class party.
shall go sleep now. (:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
class party
anyway, class party is confirmed on the 19TH december.
only shereen and harmit aren't going.
(cue to go awwww.)
we'll take loads of pictures don't worry (:
okay, i'm still cheery.
anyway, we're meeting at kem-bang-an mrt station at 10AM.
then we go jalene's house.
where 1/4 of us will cook and the rest play with wii,mahjiong and karaoke.
menu for lunch will be:
starter- cream of wild mushrooms, coupled with toasted garlic bread.
main dishes- roast chicken with thyme and rosemary with vegetables
shepard's pie (pork) with mozerella cheese
linguine with bacon and mushrooms in tomato sauce
roasted ham coupled with pineapple chunks
drink- lychee spirits (something i whacked up.)
dessert- cookies made by HUANG WANXIN.
(if you laosai, nothing to do with me okay!)
moi and jalene and suxin are going to cook those dishes and others who wanna cook can volunteer (:
dress code's RED OR GREEN.
go with the christmas theme people!
and bring 20 dollars.
cos at night there will be (((((:
yummy eh?
hahahah, and that one will be lovely too so don't worry!
so it's 10 bucks per meal and confirm you will be satisfied beyond belief!
gift exchange
you should have recieved the msg to get the gift for who.
so remember, budget MINIMUM 10 bucks.
don't be a stingyy pok.
and it's okay if you wanna shamelessly advertise what you want on this blog.
i would like polaroid film/cool shirts/sneakers.
i will stab you.
and remember to wrap the gift ah.
seriously some people.
that's about it.
people bring cameras k.
and send me the prom photos!
and i'm your resident cheeriest girl signing off.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
it's been a while...i'd almost forgotten the password to this blog. anw can those who were at DnD not tell those who were absent how embarrassing the darn video message was? i'm not even sure now what possessed me to go record that.
glad to know you're all enjoying your hols...but there's one last assignment left!! for a selected the following people please check your emails, i need some details for your SGC. asap.
can those who still read this blog please do help me pass on the message to the above people? thank you.
enjoy your hols, you deserve it (and i say this grudgingly of course).
ms h
Saturday, December 6, 2008
gross shit!
anyway, those with prom photos of me (zoe) please email me at
thanks loads!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Dinner & Dance + Class Party
Dinner & Dance (3rd december)!!!
Here are the prices for a single hotel room nearby marriott for those who are interested to either make up/ dress up there before heading down to DnD or/and coming back to marriott, change and go out to play/club, then come back and sleep (or play somemore! like play bridge or smth). If we play till very late after DnD, there would prolly be no mrt back home or cab would be very expensive. You might as well spend the transport money home on a hotel room. Plus, it'd be quite spirit-dampening if you have to go back home straightaway after the event. That's why some of you may consider having a place to serve as 'base camp'. LOL. Okay anyway whether we decide to book anot depends on response okie. If there's too little people sharing then we'd not book. :(
Please Take Note:
-prices here are not inclusive of 7% GST & 10% service charge
-these are total price for one room and not for one person. LOL
-the final bill will be split among those who share the room
-The check-in time is 2.00pm on 3rd dec. Check out is 12.00pm on 4th dec.
-ALL the hotels do NOT allow more than 2 people in a room but they are not very strict with it in a way. so we might have to enter or leave discreetly and of course, (try to) not make too much noise.. :P
Marriott Hotel $430 per night (5 stars)- fully booked so only deluxe room avail
Meritus Mandarin $250 per night (5 stars)
Park Hotel Orchard $238 per night (4 stars)
The Elizabeth $220 per night (4 stars)
Pan Pacific Orchard $285 per night (5 stars) -THERE'S DISCOUNT NOW! IT USED TO BE $355!
Orchard Hotel $305 per night (5 stars)
Grand Hyatt $400 per night (5 stars)- NEAREST to marriott
That's about it. Those who are keen to share a room, please leave a tag or msg me (Jalene) ASAP stating which hotel you wanna stay at. We'll then see the response, calculate the costs and see whether its worth it to book a room.
To classmates not going for DnD, don't have to share the room (unless you wanna stay in it), we'll meet y'all up after DnD for supper/clubbing/walk around or smth! (:
Latest Update!: Shereen's mum can get corporate rates for booking hotel room and marriott is now 280+ per night only! Reply me ASAP if you wanna share! YAY!
Currently these are the people who replied and are interested in sharing (if it's cheap) : Xiqing, Nat, Shereen, Jalene, Zoe
Class Party
We're thinking of a BBQ+mahjong+karaoke+wii party to celebrate the end of the A levels! and of course, our beloved november/december babies birthdayys!!!
Venue: Jalene's house (at siglap road, nearest mrt kembangan/bedok), near ECP! That is, we save money and hassle on having to book a chalet and bbq pit :P -UNLESS of course, i don't really mind if you wanna pay me money. :D
Dates: Anyday between 25november- 9december, except 3dec (DnD)
-Please tag/msg me the dates you are NOT free between the above stated dates.
-Y'all can stayover/shower here if you want. My parents are okay with it.
-There's NTUC at bedok interchange so we could buy our BBQ stuff from there and take a short bus-ride to my house.
-ECP is nearby so we can go blading/cycling the next day if y'all stayover.
-I have a big (and fat)dog but don't be scared, Romeo's very very nice. :D
OKAY, that's all.
p/s: reply me asap! It's ASAP! Pls be nice and reply AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. LOL! especially the hotel rooms thing if you're going for DnD.. because shereen's mum is doing us a favour by helping us and she would need time to book!!
p/p/s: TO MS H!: you're most welcome for our class party too!! (:
p/p/p/s: those who still have lit/science papers, hang in there and all the best! to those who are done with A's, tsk, don't talk to me. hahahaha. kiddin. k ciao
Saturday, October 4, 2008
harder, better, faster, stronger
since ms h is in dire need for laughter & entertainment.....haha
i found this kinda entertaining. enjoy!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
less than a month!
Friday, September 19, 2008
going the Lehman way
Monday, September 15, 2008
the NIDL
Monday, September 8, 2008
uni may not be such a good idea after all

hi everyone
wondering if anyone's still reading this blog. if you are, please take note of the format for your geog paper. i thought you guys should be quite familiar with it because i've told you before but a quick check with two 36-ers today confirmed the fact that you are a class of dory fishes.
Section A: 4 DRQs of which the last one will be a combination of two topics. All are compulsory. (50 marks)
Section B: There will be 6 essay questions altogether, 2 from each topic (either, or). Your job is to choose two out of these six and write two logical, organised essays with a wealth of examples. You are not allowed to choose to do both from the same topic.
So that's 4 DRQs and 2 essays to do in 3h. Please ensure you take about 22.5 minutes for each DRQ and 45 minutes for each essay. That will add up to 3h.
Don't stress now! Remember to relax, take deep breaths and calm yourself down. after all, what's the whole big deal about uni? i wouldn't want to have your imagination crushed into dust! and what's the whole point of using jargon when nobody understands a thing? :p
ok? so in your own words, just chill.
ms h
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
it's cool to be nerdy

here's a movie related to geog, well vaguely, so make sure you watch this AFTER 16 sept.
thank you everyone for turning up last friday, and also for your cards and gifts. all the headache, heartache and earache i've suffered were all worth it :)
hope the revision's going okay. it'll be all over soon, trust me.
PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR TRAVEL DECLARATION AT IVLE 8 ASAP! only one person has done so, as of last friday.
ms h
Sunday, August 24, 2008
a long one from the long person

hello 36-ers,
i guess now's the time when all your noses are buried deep in your books/notes so this blog will probably go dead for a while! now that's a good thing so let's keep it that way :) in the meantime, i will try to keep it alive with your generation type of jokes- as you can see with the above attempt (which made it smile too so guess i'm not that old).
just want to say thank you for attending the 2h tutorial on friday. i hadn't realised i'd cannibalised your lunch break - now why didn't you tell me, we could have started later! i won't mind a break myself from my 5h marathon. BUT (so as not to disappoint those amongst you who roll your eyes at my negativity :p), the cynical ms h in me wants to say hunger's a good thing because it keeps you awake.
in other news, here's an example of murphy's law: i've been waiting whole morning for it to rain so i can hang my laundry out after the sky's done with all those rain clouds. by 130pm, the clouds were still gathering but there was just NO rain. so i decided alright, if the weather is so bent on playing a joke on me - i hung out my clothes and ta-dah, it's now raining. the other incarnation of this weather prank is when i fervently apply sunblock to go outdoors and then it'll definitely rain when i'm out, happened 8 out of 10 times (didn't happen for the national day connecting hearts event).
now that it's raining, i can't quite go out for my dose of endorphins either. haven't exercised in a week and it's really affecting my mood. so the next time you feel absolutely grumpy (like me now), make sure you go out there and have a good workout - dancing around madly to your favourite music counts too, as long as you work up a sweat. or perhaps you can offer to vacuum the entire house, which will also earn you some points with your parents.
i'm just done setting the questions for the-thing-that-shall-not-be-named too. are they difficult? well, here's my PC answer: it's only difficult if you don't study :p
and the one thing that i want to say (which i have saved to the last): with us 2 months and 6 days away from the-thing-that-shall-not-be-named, i'm very sure now that i will definitely miss you guys when it's time to say goodbye.
*cue soppy sentimental music....until zowie decides this is not 36's style and cuts in with her funky music*
ok. study hard. i won't get to say this in 3 months' time so let me get my money's worth now. study hard study hard study smart.
ms h
Thursday, August 7, 2008
health advisory - epidemic alert!
please drink more water, include fruits and veggies in your diet and maybe it's time to start popping those vitamic C pills! take your fruits half an hour before food or an hour after food for maximum absorption (no kidding). adequate rest (at least 6-7hours) is recommended. burning the midnight oil now only to fall ill later is unwise.
the zowie virus is on the loose so do take the necessary precautions against this powerful bug.
number of casualties so far: 4 absentees today [while yesterday's absentee waved goodbye to his perfect attendance record :)]
ms h
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i find this highly entertaining.
Im into nuggets y'all
Im into nuggets y'all
Im into nuggets y'all
Im into nuggets y'all
Ketchup and Mayo (Mcnuggets)
Ketchup and Mayo (Mcnuggets)
Ketchup and Mayo (Mcnuggets)
Dip it in that barbeque sauce!
Ketchup and Mayo (Mcnuggets)
Ketchup and Mayo (Mcnuggets)
Ketchup and Mayo (Mcnuggets)
Dip it in that barbeque sauce!
Chicken Mcnuggests
and just so you know, i dont like mcnuggets.
this has been stuck in my head for a WAYYYY long time.
hahahaha, it's freaking catchy k.
(can you imagine doing this to a teacher? i don't want homework! all i want is...bubblegum, bazooka zooka bubblegum!)
oh my gosh.
i laughed so hard at this!
anyway, i'm off to watch this cookshow ((((:
and for all the august babies, y'all (hahaha) want pink cupcakes, chilled cheesecake or tiramisu?
heehee, i'm voting for tiramisu for something different ((:
anyway, tv's calling me.
tell me what you all want k!
Friday, July 25, 2008
smells like teen spirit
plenty of angst in the last entry and after an airtime of a week, i've decided to take it down to reduce any possible further collateral damage which might/might not occur. you never know who's reading this blog and despite the censorship, i'm still uncomfortable with the airing of your views on such a public channel.
i would have addressed this issue again in class during tutorial today. but the main takeaway i hope you guys will have is: there will always be some factors which will remain out of your control. the best thing you can do about this is to learn how to cope in a positive way. ie. it doesn't help to rage because that is only counter-productive and it won't change anything.
no matter how difficult it is, if you feel the other person is just being unreasonable, let his/her hurtful words slide off you. if it's a misunderstanding, wait for a better moment to clarify things. if you must feel something, let it be sympathy for the person, instead of anger.
remember, you can choose to be the egg, carrot or coffee bean. what do you want to be?
going off for class so i shall stop nagging (for now).
ms h
ps/ the previous post is saved as draft because i do not have the authority to completely delete a work that is not mine :[ if anyone wishes to read, they'll have to log in. let's keep this within 36 yeah.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
ello ello (:
i shall post something lightheartedly sick.
okay luh, it's a great contrast to the first entry so be THANKFUL (:
enjoy (:

i think the last one's the funniest.
i wonder what (insert your teacher's name) will say if you say stuff like that.
and the tooth fairy one is funny shit.
abit sadistic but funny all the same.
i wonder will you still see cornflakes the same after this.
and my favourite game is still hangman.
have a good weekend if you still can!
(accompanied with the tons of work. eeeeeeew.)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
all that studying for...?

just a post so that zowie's horrible post won't be the first thing you read. you've been warned - read her post only if for some reason, you wish to throw up.
so it's 3 months 1 week and 6 days to the-thing-which-should-not-be-mentioned. hope you guys are at full steam ahead preparing for the showdown. at some points when you feel desperation, frustration and consternation, do tell yourselves it'll all be over before you know it.
keep the goal in mind. think about where you want to be this time next year and what you hope to be doing (of course the guys will have not much choice in this...but their fate will unfold two years later instead)
it's all systems go go go!
ms h
Monday, July 14, 2008
i saw this online while blog hopping.
(no i do NOT read sick blogs.)
but just to prepare yourself mentally,
(at least to me.)
and for all you know, it might be good gp material.
(inserts smirking face.)
(if you still continue reading, you are NOT to curse me cause i warned you that it was ZOMGG.)
Shocking news circulated in China.
A town in Canton is now on trend taking baby herbal soup to increase health and sexual performance/stamina.
The cost in China currency = approx $ 4000
A factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective because he is a frequent customer.
It is a delicacy whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling/steaming.
He pointed to his second wife next to him, who is 19 (he is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday.
After waiting for a couple of weeks he took this reporter to the restaurant when he was informed by restaurant Manager that the spare rib soup (local code for baby soup) was now available.
This time it was a couple who have 2 daughters and this 3rd one was confirmed to be a daughter again.
So the couple aborted the baby which was 5 months old.
Those babies close to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency.
Those aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China Currency.
Those couples who did not want to sell dead babies, placentas can be accepted also for couple of hundreds.
The reporter made comments that are these the problems that arise from Chinese taking too much attention in health, or is the backfire when China introduced one child in a family policy.
(since majority prefers to have male babies and those poorer families need ended up selling their female babies.)
population policies limitations.
(can you imagine the Cambridge marker's face when she/he reads, limitations of china's one child policy. people abort their female unborn babies and sell them to restaurants which cook them and serve it to customers who'll eat them.)
i only put 2 photos because i think any more would just make your stomach turn and twist and you will puke.

okay this is totally random
but can you imagine that i'm a sports player or something and to improve my stamina or something, i go drink BABY SOUP????
[Excerpt from In the Fog, Sagawa’s post-cannibal best-selling account of his murder of fellow Dutch student Renée Hartevelt in Paris]
11th JUNE, 1981 - ” I am amazed.
She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
Tall, blonde, with pure white skin, she astonishes me with her grace.
I invited her to my home for a Japanese dinner. She accepts.
After the meal I asked her to read my favorite German Expressionist poem.
As she reads i can’t keep my eyes off her.
After she leaves I can still smell her body on the bed sheet where she sat reading the poem. I lick the chopsticks and dishes she used.
I can taste her lips. My passion is so great.
I want to eat her.
If I do she will be mine forever.
There is no escape from this desire.
I arrange for her to read the poem for me once more. I lie to her.
I tell her I want to record the poem on tape for my Japanese teacher.
She believes. I prepare everything. The cassette recorder for the poem,
the rifle for the sacrifice.
She arrives on time. After drinking tea and whisky, she speaks.
She smiles at me.
But I know inside that I’m the strangest one of all. Her yellow sleeveless top shows off her beautiful white arms. I can smell her body.
I turn on the recorder. She starts to read . She speaks in perfect German.
I reach for the rifle hidden beside the chest of drawers.
I stand slowly and aim the riffle at the back of her head. I cannot stop myself.
There is a loud sound and her body falls from the chair onto the floor.
It is like she is watching me.
I see her cheeks, her eyes, her nose and mouth, the blood pouring from her head. I try to talk to her, but she no longer answers.
There is blood all over the floor. I try to wipe it up, but I realize I cannot stop the flow of blood from her head.
It is very quiet here. There is only the silence of death.
I start to take off her clothes. It is hard to take the clothes off a dead body.
Finally it is done. Her beautiful white body is before me.
I’ve waited so long this day and now it is here.
I touch her ass. It is so very smooth.
I wonder where I should bite first. I decide to bite the top of her butt.
My nose is covered with her cold white skin. I try to beat down hard, but I can’t.
I suddenly have a horrible headache. I get a knife from the kitchen and stab it deeply into her skin.
Suddenly a lot of sallow fat oozes from the wound.
It reminds me of Indian corn. It continues to ooze. It is strange.
Finally I find the red meat under the sallow fat. I scoop it out and put it in my mouth.
I chew. It has no smell and no taste. It melts in my mouth like a perfect piece of tuna. I look in her eyes and say: “You are delicious.”
I cut her body and lift the meat to my mouth again and again.
Then I take a photograph of her white corpse with its deep wounds.
I have sex with her body.
When I hug her she lets out a breath.
I’m frightened, she seems alive.
I kiss her and tell her I love her.
Then I drag her body to the bathroom. By now I am exhausted, but I cut into her hip and put the meat in a roasting pan.
After it is cooked I sit at the table using her underwear as a napkin.
They still smell of her body.
Then I turn on the tape of her reading the German poem and eat.
There is not enough taste. I use some salt and some mustard and it is delicious, very high quality meat. Then I go back to the bathroom and cut off her breast
and bake it. It swells while it cooks. I serve the breast on the table
and eat it with a fork and knife. It isn’t very good. Too greasy.
I try to cut into another part of her body. Her thighs were wonderful.
Finally she is in my stomach. Finally she is in my stomach.
she is mine. It is the best dinner I’ve ever had.
Afterwards I sleep with her.
Next morning she is still here. She doesn’t smell bad. Today I must finish cutting up her body.I have to put it into suitcases and sink it in the lake.
It will be her grave.
I touch the cold body again and I wonder where I should start.
I start to cut off all the meat before amputating the limbs.
While I cut her calf I suddenly want to taste it.
I see the beautiful red meat beneath the fat.
I grasp her knee and her ankle, and tear it with my teeth.
It is tender. I slowly chew and savor it.
After eating most of the calf I look at myself in the mirror.
There is grease all over my face. And then I start to eat at random.
I bite her little toe. It still smell of her feet.
I stab the knife into her arch and see the red meat deep inside.
I thrust my fingers inside and dig out the meat and put it in my mouth.
It tastes okay. Then I stab the knife into her armpit.
Ever since I saw it under her yellow sleeveless top I wondered how it
would taste this good. The wonderful taste cheers me up and I devour her underarm up to the elbow.
Finally I cut off her private parts. When I touch the pubic hair it has a
very bad smell. I bite her clit, but it won’t come off, it just stretches.
So I throw it in the frying pan and pop it in my mouth.
I chew very carefully and swallow it. It is so sweet.
After I swallow it, I feel her in my body and get hot.
I turn the body over and open her buttocks, revealing her anus.
I scoop it out with my knife and try to put it in my mouth.
It smells too much. I put it in the frying pan and throw it in my mouth.
It still smells. I spit it out. I go into the next room.
It smell of fat, like I’ve been frying a chicken.
It’s been twenty-four hours now. Some huge flies hover and buzz in the bathroom. I try to chase them away, but they came back.
They swarm on her face. They seem to tell me that I’ve lost her forever.
It is no longer her. Where is she? She’s gone far away.
I’ve broken her. Like a child who breaks his toy. I try to use an electric knife to cut her body. It doesn’t work. It just makes a loud sound.
I use a hatchet. I strike several times. It’s hard work. I strike her thigh. Her body jumps up. If she could feel, it would have hurt.
Finally the thigh separates from her body. I bite it again,
like I would bite a chicken leg. Then I cut off her arms.
It is even harder than the thigh. I use the electric knife again.
It makes a shrill sound, like the sound of her shrill voice.
It works this time. Her hand still wears a ring and a bracelet.
When I see her long fingers I am driven by another impulse.
I use her hand to masturbate. Her long fingers excite me.
When I’m finished I try to bite her finger. I can’t. I’m disappointed.
I put her hands into the plastic bag along with her legs.
And then I see her face. It is still quiet. She has a small nose and a sweet lower lip. When she was alive I wanted to bite them.
Now I can satisfy that desire. It’s so easy to bite off her nose.
As I chew the cartilage I can hear the noise.
I use a knife to cut off more of the cartilage and put it in my mouth.
It really doesn’t taste very good.
I scoop out her lower lip with my knife and put it in my mouth. It has hard skin. I decide to eat it later when I can fry it.
So I put it in the refrigerator.
I want her tongue. I can’t open her lower jaw, but I can reach in between her teeth. Finally it comes out. I cut it off and put it in my mouth.
It’s hard to chew. I see my face in the mirror. Her tongue entwined with my tongue. I try to close my mouth, but her tongue slips out.
Finally I cut the skin off the tongue and taste the meat.
I try to eat her eyes. It’s hard for me to stab into them, though it is the easiest part of her face. I can tears coming from them.
It frightens me. Her eyes are all that is left of her face.
It is nearly a skull.
I decide to take out her stomach. When I stab under her navel a little fat appears and then I can see the red meat under the fat.
I slice a piece of the red meat and put it on a plate. Then I stab into the stomach. The internal organs appear.
There is a great length of rolled tubes and I find a gray bag at the end of the tubes. It must be the bladder. There is a strong smell as soon as I pick it up. I thrust my hand into her body cavity.
There is another bag. It must be her womb. If she had lived she would have had a baby in this womb. The thought depresses me for a moment.
I pull out the intestines. My hands sting from the digestive juices.
At last I have to cut off her head.
It is the most difficult thing I have to do. I cut off the meat on her neck until I can see bone, then I cut again. She still wears her necklace.
I try to use the electric knife, but it doesn’t work very well.
It just makes its shrill sound.
So I use the hatchet. I imagine myself on the guillotine.
It is surprisingly easy to cut through.
With the head gone her body is now only flesh.
When I grab the hair and hang up the head, I realize I am a cannibal.
(wow, it took him SOME TIME EH??)
I put the head in a plastic bag. I separate the body and put it into two plastic bags. They are heavy. It is hard to put them into the suitcases.
I am finished. It is midnight. I call a taxi.
I am back home. I turn the TV and open the refrigerator.
I put the dishes on the glass table. I recognize each pieces of meat.
This is part of her hip and this is part of her thigh.
I fry them on the stove. I set the table.
There is mustard, salt, pepper and sauce. I put her underwear beside the dish.
I sniff it and look at a nude woman in a magazine.
I try to remember which part of her is in my mouth, but it is difficult to connect the meat with a body. It just seems like a piece of meat.
I continue to eat her body until I am caught. Each day the meat becomes more tender, each day the taste is more sweet and delicious. ”
THE Murderer:

THE AFTERMATH - Sagawa walks free
Sagawa openly confessed to what he had done, but a judge ruled that he was not mentally fit to stand trial.
Sagawa was sent to the Paul Guirald Asylum for an undetermined period of time.
Akira Sagawa, his father, helped workout a deal,
and he was transferred to a hospital in Japan not long after.
He was soon judged fit enough to be sent to prison,
where he stayed for only 15 months before being paroled.
He was free to go wherever he pleased,
and was even granted a passport to go to Germany.
Sagawa now lives in Tokyo and is a minor celebrity in Japan.
He is often invited as a guest speaker and commentator.
He also writes restaurant reviews and in 1992 he appeared in Hisayasu Sato’s film Sisenjiyou no Aria (The Bedroom) as a sadosexual voyeur.
He admits to still having fantasies about cannibalism,
but says he never wants to realize them again.
Besides books about the murder he committed,
Sagawa wrote a commentary book Shonen A in 1997 on the Kobe Children’s Serial Murder of 1997, when a 14-year-old called “Boy A” (”Shonen A”) killed and decapitated a child.
His story inspired the 1981 Stranglers song “La Folie” and the 1983 Rolling Stones song “Too Much Blood”.
He tells people that he is completely safe, and has no desire at all to repeat what he did.
As he simply puts it, he had a fantasy, acted on it,
and that’s that. Apart from giving interviews to the Media,
he likes to paint, and do sculptures.
He has even managed to persuade women to pose nude for these.
He now says he has fantasies of being eaten by a western woman, and believes it is the only thing that can save him.
His current picture.

okay, i don't dare to put pictures of the eaten woman here.
some people might really vomit or something.
cause it's really SUPER GRAPHIC.
like erm...the face minus nose and lips etc.
body minus one boob, gashes across.
if you are that sadistically interested, you can ask me for the link ((:
anyway, the japanese guy totally LOOKS LIKE A NORMAL GUY RIGHT?????
i totally cannot tell he's into cannibalism.
plus, with all the ZOMG ZOMG things he did, i totally cannot cannot believe that he's a free man now.
(okay paroled but STILLLLLL)
and how freaky is that?
he sounded so nonchalent!
"it's just realising his fantasy."
normal people like me,
have very normal fantasies like
(hurr. i'm never going to be able to act on it.)
OKAY, i'm still very disturbed.
but i just wanted to share with you all.
heehee, about weird asian people.
don't you feel depressed being classified as the same category as these people.
anyway, the intention of this very wordy blog post,
is just to warn you people out there of cannibalism (:
even from people who look the most harmless.
to end on a comforting note,
if you piss me off when i'm hungry, i just might bite you and turn into some full fledged cannibal.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
random thoughts
zoe may be the proud mother of 10 living in the cbd, with a chauvinistic, boring, white-collared husband...
ms h may be driving around the cbd tryin to bang zoe's kids down to prove her point abt families preferring to live in suburbs...
nat may be a cut-throat manager fighting for women's rights...
shermaine may still be sleeping...
suxin will be a geog teacher passing on politically correct answers and nationalistic sentiments to kids...
xiqing may be on tv for perfecting the ancient art of speaking the untruth...
jasmine may become an inanimate organism that is rooted in soil and has petals facing the sun...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008

okay, i admit i'm bored.
(but i think the workout plan comic strip is super funny!)
it's a beautiful thursday and i'm boredo amigo!
i know i'm supposed to study but rah.
was surfing
it's quite funny luh, admit it.
okay maybe it's just my queer sense of humor.
anyway, yes i agree that kungfu panda is damm good!
my favourite part was :' I LOVE KUNG FOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo.."
but anyway, most of my exams are over.
i'm left with lit paper 4 that makes me.... speechless.
hahahaha, i'll be studying later luh.
i think.
anyway, i want to watch many movies!
like :
be kind, rewind. (it is damm hilarious according to my sister.)
what happens in vegas (rah, looks stupid but ashton kutcher!
incredible hulk (i really really want to watch it!)
batman returns ((:
don't mess with the zohan ( when we're done making you bootifool, we go disco disco, good good!)
the bucket list
lars and the real girl ( it's really touching.)
do ray me fa so (don't laugh, it some korean sob story that's REALLLY SAD and sweet, yes i'm a sucker for those.)
dan in real life (yayness.)
into the wild (can some one lend it to meeee?)
etc etc.
i've been on some hiatus before exams started luh.
i feel so deprived.
going to watch all these before prelims start.
movie marathon.
who's joining me?
anyway, i might (might might might) be making strawberry jam over this weekend.
although i don't like jam.
so if i make it, i'll give it away.
lucky recipients yo.
keep your eyes peeled.
oh, i have been listening to feel good music like schuyler fisk.
her rendition of paperweight with joshua radin is LOVEEEE.
my playlist for the exams so far :
- Schuyler fisk (from where i'm standing is loveee)
- Regina spektor (pang your fault!)
- Corrinne Bailey Rae
- Corrinne May
- Duffy <3 warrick avenue
- Breaking benjamin (rain ((:)
- The Weepies (The World Spins Madly On)
- Jon Mclaughlin (perfect.)
- Gary allen
- The fray
- Ben lee (catch my disease, grey anatomy's soundtrack!)
oh, shitt.
it's 12:17 and i'm rambling on and on and i haven't started studying.
mr guru's going to kill me.
(i hope you're not reading this. if you are, hello! heh.)
i'm going to study now i guess.
<3 zowie.
p.s. sorry about the class tees! i swear i'm going to get it done soon!
hahahaha (:
p.p.s : study hard people!
p.p.p.s joanne tng the lion says hello and she wants to say "np's food is very nice!" (stupid girl.)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
so you want the secret to limitless power?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
the water cycle, 36 style

have fun identifying the processes (input, flows, outputs and storages) but please do not be too excited about the irrelevant ones (e.g. droplet suntanning on the island or droplet sailing..)
also, do remember to try sketching the cross section of the drainage basin with the annotations of the processes, as shown during today's tutorial!
ms h
Friday, May 2, 2008
Moons on different planets:
Mars: Phobos, Deimos
Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto
Saturn: Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Iapetus
Uranus: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon
Neptune: Triton
Earth: Moon
-.-" wow...they were able to think up of names for every moon that did not belong to Earth (they even have names for unknown orbiting objects!)...and what name did they give our own moon? Moon! That's like calling the budget terminal Budget Terminal!
mal :)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
In LDCs, poorer workers who once lived in rural areas move to the city centre in view of better prospects. However, they are too poor to afford living close to the CBD. This causes the rise of squatter settlements.
and to other matters, there's a new initiative called the GREY RIBBON PROJECT...protect the cheetahs...

mal :)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
(scottish hotel)
(fat fighter)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
happy earth day

Saturday, April 19, 2008
I love animals, they taste great.
EARTH FIRST! We'll stripmine the other planets later.
He who laughs last thinks slowest!
Don't get me mad! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies!
Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them.
Be nice to your kids...They will pick out your nursing home.
As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.
Make yourself at home .....clean my kitchen
Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
I majored in liberal arts. Would you like fries with that?
Keep honking, I'm reloading.
Earn cash in your spare time...blackmail friends.
Jury: Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
You have the right to remain silent....Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.
Sorry, I don't date outside my species.
Stop repeat offenders. Don't re-elect them!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
possible ideas for SGC writing
hello everyone,
we'll be starting our SGC writing exercises during class civics soon and here's where i get my inspiration from:
Actual Quotes from Federal employees' performance evaluations:
"Since my last report, he has reached rock bottom and has started to dig."
"His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity."
"Works well when under constant supervision and when cornered like a rat in
a trap."
"This young lady has delusions of adequacy."
"She sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve
"This employee should go far - and the sooner he starts, the better."
"This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot."
Actual Quotes from military Officer Efficiency Reports
"Not the sharpest knife in the drawer."
"Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together."
"A gross ignoramus -- 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus."
"A photographic memory, but with the lens cover glued on."
"A prime candidate for natural de-selection."
"One-celled organisms outscore him in IQ tests."
"Fell out of the family tree."
"Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming."
"Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it."
"He's so dense, light bends around him."
"If you gave him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change."
"If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean."
"It's hard to believe that he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm."
"Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled."
"Wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead."
ms h
Sunday, April 13, 2008
lame podcast abt the edison chen scandal...the hk accent is a bit 0_O tho
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Random Photos
3607 In Action
Then we have our model Hui Shan posing for the camera, retro style.
This is yingxuan and suxin...look at how they miss each other, *sighs*...
Haemal's solution to Suxin's problem of getting irritated when looking at entangled wires.
And, 3607's brilliant display of chinese during I&E day! XD
Friday, April 11, 2008
heart in my mouth
hope everyone had a blast at the ORLJ yesterday, i heard some decent feedback about your professionalism as facilitators. well done! i'm proud of you guys. may it be a truly fruitful, enriching, fulfilling, educational, fun, hot, amazing... (and all other PC or not answers) experience for everyone.
just to let you guys know, i am only finding out your PW results at 10am, just like yourselves. or maybe even later as i'll be trapped at the reading room for training :(
i feel like throwing up soon because my heart is beating so fast..this is far worse than running 10k. wonder what will happen next March when your biggie results are out.
so to distract myself, i'm going to post some (embarrassing) peektures of the fashion design which you guys won! great job! (tho i was not v pleased with your excitedly distributing the prizes before geog lect)
someone tell me what suxin is trying to be. the superhero emcee? and xiqing? 0.5 kawaii pose?
the 100% kawaii pose (*secretly shudders*)
model and designer takes turn to smile..
ok that's all for now. need to get into some random yoga pose to feel Zen or my heart will just leap right out.
ms h
Thursday, April 3, 2008
1. How to be ninja
2.How to be gangster
3.How to be emo
4. How to be nerd
5. Ipod Human
greetings from SGH ward 78 room 7(:
anyway,hmm yea looks like this week is finally coming to an end huh, by the time i'm discharged (staurday!) i would have been in and out of hospital for about one and a half months..whoa or what. Anyway yesterday's chemo experience was salvaged by the one and only best television series: GREY'S ANATOMY! hee. it was quite funny la, while the nurse was setting up the machine thingy, i was setting up my laptop and preparing my 'so called' battle front with snacks and snapple pink lemonade (lastest weird craving) on one side, the mags and books.i told the nurse to tell me when she pressed the start button so i could press start together with her. so yea timing was prefect (well almost, the machine had a few hiccups here and there) and for the whole chemo duration i watched 3 episodes of grey's(((((: BUT THEN. GUESS WHAT
after the whole 3 hours i thought it was over but NOoooo... the nurse brought in this new set of drugs... so basically now i'm stuck with a 'gameboy' sized machine with a thin tube pumping in this orange coloured drug into my chest for... (get this) 72 hours.uh huh. 3 days. 72 hours, 3 days. i wonder which one sounds nicer. why 72 hours? it's suppose to be less harsh for the body because technically chemo drugs are posion, on the machine label it actually says tonxins,this slow process wont scare/shock the body so much unless it was given say about 3 hopfully i wont feel so sicky after eveything, if not doctor poon owes me spaghetti. we made a bet. he said if i throw up he'll buy me spaghetti from sheraton towers. kind of a tough situation huh... should i throw up?
i hope that entertained you for a bit(: