ANYWAY. as u noe, i have always have slight obsessions with different things from time to time. like black and white movives heh heh. and recently, i discovered country music. more specifically. country rock. country music done in a rock style. gettit? nvm. haha.
BUT. country rock ROCKs. okay maybe cos ive been listening to dixie chicks and keith urban recently. and check out the songs by them :)
landslide-dixie chicks (its quite a sad song actually haha. but the singing and the guitar rifts inside is great)
the video's a lil weird though. but just listen la huh
not ready to make nice -dixie chicks (another rebellious song by the country rock trio :) )
ahh videos aside. there's s realy dumb comic strip i always view online. harhar. dunoe if its ur type of humour but just some lame shit for u to enjoy.
if the pictures not complete click on it and you'll be directed to the webbb.

Cyanide & Happiness @
go to the comic strip is called cyanide and happiness. its lamely funny. haha.

Cyanide & Happiness @
-.- hahaha.
and lastly, go search madtv on youtube if ur free. lots and lots of funny parodies and SATIRES hehe.
sx. :D
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