okie for those of you who don't know, im actually relief teaching back at my secondary school. :)
so how has life been since we finished our A's?
oh well life has been good.
i got to procrastinate all i want
catch up on exercise that i missed during the whole studying period
catch up with the good ole friends whom, once again missed during the studying period
got to eat lots and lots of good food
got to go on lots of outing
got to learn a lot of new things
went back to yoga classes
had fun teaching some of my classes. dun ask me whether its my calling cos i reali dont know ;)
learning driving. awesoome fun. LOL.
earn $$$$ and splurge happily
shopping shopping and more shopping!
yup. ive basically enjoyed these past 3 months of freedom. but my job is something which i rather enjoy so im thankful that i went for the relief teaching job. i just get this sense of satisfaction whenever i finish a class. of cos there were ups and downs and student management is reali one tough thing to do. so kudos to ms huang who had to endure all our yakking durin class >.<
i celebrated both life, and death right around my 19th birthday. it is something thats probably gonna be etched in my mind for awhile. but jaclyn left us fond memories of her really and yes, it may still be painful for some of us, but at least we know, she's probably in a better place now :)
ANYWAY. erm results. hahah GOOD LUCK PEOPLE. realise the taking of the results is the final end to all that you have to JC?
we can really bid farewell to the two years that we have put in
our blood, sweat and tears, literally.haha
i miss crapping with everyone duing break
i miss the smell of LT 5
i do not miss the fried charcoal aka char kway tiao
i miss good news cafe
i miss sleepy lectures
i do not miss tests
hahhaahah. okay basically i miss the routine of school and friends. but its okay. moving on is good so long as the connection and contact between u and ur good friends arent broken
so i say thank you to everyone in 36 for making my time in AJ an exceptional one
PPL I HANG OUT WITH DURING BREAK: STAY CRAPPY ALWAYS and MUST keep in contact and dont be late for outings!!! GRRRR
MONDAY LUNCH GANG: <3 heart to heart talks, good food, laughing at jalene and xuan is da bomb
and to miss huang: thanks for your academic guidance. lets hope i can do u proud. and for all the encouragements and compliments you have written for me in the random cards and notes you gave. just to let you know, it made an impact on me :)
alrighty see yall on friday!
o eat sth with the word GAO in it
like dan gao, nian gao, pipagao. so tat ur marks will be GAO GAO (TALL TALL HIGH HIGH) okay v. lame. but hey maybe it'll work ;)
AND LASTLY, let me show u my VERY OWN cubicle!

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