yes, i know i have an equally if not worse dress sense than the penguins. maaaaaybe one day we should go shopping together so that you can 'funkify' my wardrobe. maaaaaaybe then you also have more reason to pay attention to me...yes?
i've been in your shoes before so i do know it's a fact school's more interesting when your teachers dress nicely. i would like to try to make your day more bearable too but i'm really born with zero fashion sense so :)
BUT you can make my day better by wearing your uniform properly! as it is, we all know the colours don't help much, so please don't aggravate matters by being sloppy. it really bugs me to see shirts tucked out, missing collar pins...and MISSING TIES on wednesday.
remember i said i love seeing you all in ties?
and didn't some of you asked about petitioning for it to be part of the everyday school u? i know that was a l-o-n-g time ago because it was when i'd just met you as a class and i was quite thrown offguard by your enthusiasm.
so moral of the blog entry today is: pls wear your ties :)
i wanted to discuss last wed's tutorial here for all your dory-like memory's sake but i shall do that another time.
before i go, have a new answer to shermaine's question. yes, i miss the three of them already (c'mon, i'm not as heartless as you think).
hope jac, jalene and natalie are having fun in cambridge! take care you three. we'll see you guys soon.
miss h
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